Date: 12/27/1998, 7:03 pm
> Hi. I'm building a CLC Chesapeake 17 and having a lot of fun doing it.
> This is my first boat. I have a total of 4 (lightish) coats of epoxy on
> the hull -- and I've got some runs here and there despite being obsessive
> compulsive about such things. My questions are these: how smooth can I
> expect to sand down those runs, and how smooth does the hull have to be
> for a good paint/varnish job? (I haven't yet decided whether to paint or
> varnish the hull.) What should a final sanded epoxied hull look/feel like?
> Thanks to all who respond!!
> John
I built a Ches 16 in the cold (50 degrees), which resulted in very thick uneven coats of epoxy, with many runs. It took 60 grit until I got things real even, then went to 100, 150, then 220. Be careful with the heavy grit as not to sand thru the cloth. I used a B&D quarter sheet sander. It's a tough job and took be at least 6 hours.
Try as you might to keep the sander flat at all times, do not try to edge it to remove runs more quickly. This will result in a nice flat surface.
The finished hull should be very smooth. I painted, so I applied a primer to fill in all of the imperfections. I sanded all of the primer off, leaving just the imperfections filled with primer behind. BTW: After the final 220 grit sanding, and the first coat of paint, the result was impressive, with a mirror smooth/glossy surface. The effort at this stage is worth it.
Messages In This Thread
- Sanding a Chesapeake hull
John Stys -- 12/26/1998, 9:52 pm- Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...
John Stys -- 12/28/1998, 8:46 am- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
Joe Greenley -- 12/28/1998, 2:28 pm- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
Marc Leroux -- 1/11/1999, 6:52 pm- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
Ralph Wight -- 1/12/1999, 1:57 pm- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
Marc Leroux -- 1/12/1999, 2:11 pm- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
Ralph Wight -- 1/12/1999, 9:09 pm
- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
Mike Spence -- 1/12/1999, 1:58 am- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
Gary Toffelmire -- 1/11/1999, 7:59 pm - Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...
Bob Marr -- 12/28/1998, 10:44 am - Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
- Re: Sanding a Chesapeake hull
Lee G. -- 12/27/1998, 10:38 pm- Cabinet Scrape drips, sand all very smooth
Pete Ford -- 12/27/1998, 10:19 pm- Re: Sanding a Chesapeake hull
Tony Lima -- 12/27/1998, 7:03 pm- Re: Sanding a Chesapeake hull
Don Beale -- 12/27/1998, 12:02 pm- Re: Sanding a Chesapeake hull
Guy Wright -- 12/28/1998, 10:29 am
- Re: Sanding a Chesapeake hull
Nick Schade -- 12/27/1998, 10:33 am- Re: Sanding a Chesapeake hull
Paul Jacobson -- 12/26/1998, 11:50 pm- Re: Sanding a Chesapeake hull
Rick C. -- 12/27/1998, 11:49 am
- Re: Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...Picture
- Thanks! & Cabinet Scrapers...