Date: 11/19/1997, 2:21 pm
Hi All,
The above test George suggests applies only to a compression loading on a substrate and with unequal loadings. The test does not indicate the matrix make up ie percentage glass to resin. The form of layup (hand wet??) was the test vacume bagged? etc.etc.
I believe that for compression loadings more layers of thin cloth for a given weight will be stronger, However, for sheer and tension loadings the final anaylsis is the ultimate strength of the reinforcing material and the medium that is supporting the reinforcing. Heavy is good!!!
The direction the fibers are placed will allow for siffening or changing the characteristics of the layup.
Regards Rob
Messages In This Thread
- Re: multiple layers stronger than one
Rob Cochrane -- 11/19/1997, 2:21 pm