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Re: Apples 'n Oranges
By:Greg Akins
Date: 1/21/1999, 7:49 am
In Response To: Apples 'n Oranges (Mike Spence)

And for a neophyte, this brings up a question.

I have so far been told there is E-glass & S-glass. And to use S-glass. Where does the plain glass/ 8 harness satin fit into the mix.

> Please forgive the following potentially stupid question, but isn't the
> above comparing apples and oranges? ie. "plain cloth" versus
> "8 harness satin" I assume these cloth types are NOT the same,
> otherwise the same name would've been used for all three cases. What's
> goin' on here?


> Mike Spence

Messages In This Thread

Apples 'n Oranges
Mike Spence -- 1/21/1999, 2:15 am
Re: Apples 'n Oranges
Greg Akins -- 1/21/1999, 7:49 am