Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
By:Stan Heeres
Date: 1/29/1999, 9:58 pm
Date: 1/29/1999, 9:58 pm
In Response To: making my own kayak plans for river kayak (Robert)
> I have made a set of plans for a 9'-7" kayak with dry storage to fit
> my needs I would like to build one s&g and the other strip but I don`t
> know how to get my plans to full size can anyone help me??
The easiest is to plot them full size. What I did was transfer points from plans to AutoCAD and plot them full size on our plotter at work. We have an HP650C plotter which has a roll of paper so the length can be endless.
The only other way may be to lay the points out on the plywood (S&G).
Out of interest, what kind of kayak is it (WW, lake, river, Sea, touring, fast, manueverable)?
Messages In This Thread
- making my own kayak plans for river kayak
Robert -- 1/29/1999, 5:01 pm- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
Nolan Penney -- 2/1/1999, 7:22 am- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
Robert -- 2/1/1999, 7:50 am- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
Nolan Penney -- 2/1/1999, 2:08 pm- a couple of tips
Paul Jacobson -- 2/1/1999, 8:51 pm
- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
Shawn Baker -- 2/1/1999, 10:54 am- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
Robert -- 2/1/1999, 11:42 am- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
Shawn Baker -- 2/1/1999, 1:45 pm
- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
- a couple of tips
- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
Robert -- 1/30/1999, 2:47 pm- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
Stan Heeres -- 1/29/1999, 9:58 pm - Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak
- Re: making my own kayak plans for river kayak