Date: 1/30/1999, 7:55 pm
> fForm in position three will not line up with centre line on haul side
> when deck centre lines are in line. If I move it to line up with centre
> lines it is off by 3/16 of an inch with deck lines. I am moving the form
> back and forth not just piveting on one screw. It is starting to look like
> a piece of swiss cheese from all the screw holes.
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you
> J.D.
Before I line up the forms on the strong back, I offset the center line (on all the formes) 2 inches to one side. I then use a spring clamp to attach a 3 foot long strip to the form. Lined up one edge of the strip to the offset line. Fasten the senter form first. Then allign the prejestion strips of the next form with the previous one. I start in the center and work twards the ends. Once all the formes are secured, all the projection strips should look like a straight line. If any forms are twisted or out of allignment, they will be obvious. This method has served me well for maney boats.
Messages In This Thread
J.D. -- 1/27/1999, 9:49 pm- Re: FORM PROBLEM
LAB -- 1/30/1999, 7:55 pm- Re: FORM PROBLEM
Nick Schade -- 1/28/1999, 10:44 am- Re: FORM PROBLEM
Greg -- 1/28/1999, 10:39 pm