Re: guillemot end forms
By:Peter A Sarnosky
Date: 2/1/1999, 10:33 am
Date: 2/1/1999, 10:33 am
In Response To: guillemot end forms (John Waddington)
> the bow end form with the top of the form 2 the ground edge of the end
> form sticks out below form 2. It is the same with the stern. I have
> checked my measurements on the computer and they seem to be right. My form
> 2 is about 6.9" in height and form 15 is about 6.35". Does my
> description make sense? Does anyone know what is wrong?
I experienced the same thing, but since I was using internal stem pieces I just trimmed them a bit. It was less than .25 and I think it is just an error in the plans that has not been addressed yet. My boat is almost finished and it did not cause me any grief after I trimmed them.
Messages In This Thread
- guillemot end forms
John Waddington -- 2/1/1999, 7:29 am- Re: guillemot end forms
Mac Buhler -- 2/2/1999, 6:35 pm - Re: guillemot end forms
Peter A Sarnosky -- 2/1/1999, 10:33 am
- Re: guillemot end forms