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Re: CLC boat comparisons???
By:Stan Heeres
Date: 3/14/1999, 11:23 am
In Response To: CLC boat comparisons??? (JC)

> What about the degree of difficulty in building these boats versus the Cape > Charles.

We are currently building both. Of the two, the Chesapeake is slightly more involved (not difficult) to build of the two.

> I am also curious about using 3mm ply for the hull. Has anyone else done
> this? On my CC, I used 4mm ply hull with one layer of glass and 3mm decks
> with no glass.

Depends on how you will use it and how many layers and what weight of glass you intend to use.

> On pictures of the Chesapeake that I've seen, the bow seems to turn up
> slightly at the ends. Is this real or an optical illusion? I didn't think
> it was possible to get plywood to curve in two different directions. If it
> is an upswept bow, was it hard to get the plywood to cooperate?

Yes it does turn up slightly. I am currently buuilding one and just went out and laid a straight edge on both front and back. Until you mentioned it, I never really thought about it. It was no problem putting together though.

> john


Messages In This Thread

CLC boat comparisons???
JC -- 3/13/1999, 3:00 pm
Re: CLC boat comparisons???
Stan Heeres -- 3/14/1999, 11:23 am