Date: 4/5/1999, 11:08 am
> [C]ould [you] post a picture of your set up? I
> still can't visualize the way it looks.
Sorry, I'm still not digital image-equipped. Can you make do with a brief (ha ha) description?
A Guzzler 400 pump (no spring) is mounted to the forward bulkhead of my Pygmy Coho: Inlet on bottom, outlet on top, with the operating handle facing to the rear. The Coho has a 4-panel peaked deck. At the bulkhead, the top panels are about 9" wide, and the 2.5" wide deck chine panels join the top panels at about a 135 degree angle. From keel to peak there is only about 11", and the Guzzler is about 8" tall.
I replaced the original operating handle with a small footpad made out of 4mm ply with glass on both sides and a .25" hole near the toe. The heel of the pad is bolted to the stump of the original handle. To reinforce this and to provide clearance from the pump body, I have a small piece of ply stuck between the footpad and the connecting link between the handle pivot and the diaphragm, and it's gooped up pretty good with a wad of very thick epoxy.
To gain a small bit of vertical clearance, which lowered the pump and gave me more working room up above, I removed the original inlet fitting (keeping the inlet valve) and used a flat piece of plastic with the original .75" size hole. Actually, I used the cap of a spray paint can, and cut .25" jack-o-lantern teeth around the edge to act as a debris strainer.
Coming up out of the pump, I attached a PVC 90 elbow using 1" I.D. tubing, which allowed me to get a bit more than 90 degrees out of it. Out of the 90, going over my left foot, it goes to a 5" piece of tubing, which then connects to the outlet pipe section. This is a 5" length of .75" PVC sch 80 pipe. It is mounted to the deck chine panel with a wad of very thick epoxy all the way around the penetration, but is held off the upper deck panel and bulkhead about .25" so the tubing can be installed onto its inlet end.
This pipe runs downsloped from the 90, parallel to the underside of the deck panel, so it exits through the deck chine panel at about a 45 degree angle through an elliptical hole. I trimmed the outside to within 1/16" of being flush (and scratched the varnish! What a disaster! What ruination! I should have used TWO layers of masking tape.)
A bungee hooks through the hole in the footpad toe, and for now the other end just hooks on the front of the cockpit rim. Once I get the optimal length/tension part worked out, I plan to attach cord to the end of the bungee, and run the cord through a rope cleat attached to the underside of the deck, so it can be released and adjusted. Since I have a peaked deck, it should be out the way of my toes and not be an entrapment hazard. With the bungee relaxed, the pump can be pushed to its full discharge position when not in use, and I think this gives me a couple inches of footroom for my size 13s.
The inspiration for this comes from P. Carter's website (thanks again, Pete Rudie) at this eddress:
It also has a couple of helpful images, though mine is slightly different.
Questions are welcomed for where I've been unclear, but if you insist on images, let me know so I can bug my money manager that, yes, I HAVE to go digital.
Messages In This Thread
- Foot Pump Installation
John Herr -- 3/26/1999, 11:31 pm- Re: Foot Pump Installation
Pete Roszyk -- 3/27/1999, 10:22 am- Re: Foot Pump Installation
John Herr -- 3/27/1999, 1:39 pm- Foot Pump Spring Requirements
Pete Roszyk -- 3/30/1999, 10:03 am- Re: Foot Pump Spring Requirements
John Herr -- 3/31/1999, 11:49 pm- Re: Foot Pump Spring Requirements
Pete Roszyk -- 4/5/1999, 11:08 am
- Re: Foot Pump Spring Requirements
- Re: Foot Pump Spring Requirements
Jack Martin -- 3/31/1999, 7:01 am - Guzzler source
David Dick -- 3/30/1999, 7:33 pm
- Re: Foot Pump Spring Requirements
- Foot Pump Spring Requirements
- Re: Foot Pump Installation
- Re: Foot Pump Installation
Jack Martin -- 3/27/1999, 10:20 am- Re: Why not outlet in bottom?
Mike Allen -- 3/27/1999, 4:39 pm- Re: Why not outlet in bottom?
David Dick -- 3/27/1999, 10:42 pm- Re: Why not outlet in bottom?
Jack Martin -- 3/28/1999, 8:53 am- Re: Why not outlet in bottom?
Pete Rudie -- 3/28/1999, 1:22 pm
- Re: Why not outlet in bottom?
- Thar' she blows
John Herr -- 3/27/1999, 10:51 pm
- Re: Why not outlet in bottom?
- Re: Why not outlet in bottom?
- Re: Why not outlet in bottom?
- Re: Foot Pump Installation