Date: 5/30/1999, 8:30 pm
I was reading an other message that was posted about shortening a guillemot. I was wondering if I would build a guillemot of guillemot play that was about eleven feet in length if it would turn better and preform a little like white water boat. I live near a river that is fairly wide, slow moving in some parts but in other areas it has moderate currents and rocks to play around. I'm looking for a kayak that wouldn't be a bear throught the flat slow sections but would still be manuveralbe enough to do some playing around in the edies and such. I really like the looks of the strip built kayaks. I f anyone has any ideas or suggestionslet me now please. Thank you.
Messages In This Thread
- Shortening a kayak
Charles Kough -- 5/30/1999, 8:30 pm- Re: Shortening a kayak
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 6/1/1999, 1:34 pm- Re: Shortening a kayak
Mike Allen -- 5/31/1999, 1:52 pm- Re: Shortening a kayak
David Dick -- 5/30/1999, 10:39 pm - Re: Shortening a kayak
- Re: Shortening a kayak