Date: 6/10/1999, 9:49 pm
I built a CLC Cape Charles 18 from plans. Soon, I will build another CLC boat, not sure yet which one, also from plans.
I've been very happy with my boat. I've also been very happy doing business with CLC. They've always treated me like my business matters to them.
If you are considering building from plans, check the local availability of parts and materials. You can't walk into just any lumber yard and buy okume plywood or the epoxy/glass materials. The more pieces you have to track down and ship across the country, expending more time, effort and money, the better that kit starts to look.
If you build from plans instead of the kit, expect more "spoilage" unless you're an excellent woodworker. I am not, and it's a pretty safe bet that CLC's computer-aided saws cut parts more accurately than my jigsaw. I had to force myself to throw a few pieces away and start over. If that bothers you, buy the kit.
I think it comes down to how you feel about building. If you view it as a necessary evil you have to get past to get to your boat, spring for the kit. If you view it as therapy after a long day at the office, as I do, buy the plans. Either way, you can expect a great boat at the end. Good luck.
Messages In This Thread
- stich and glue
David -- 6/10/1999, 3:51 pm- Re: stich and glue
Bobby Curtis -- 6/17/1999, 11:00 am - Re: stich and glue
Don Beale -- 6/12/1999, 1:05 am - Re: stich and glue
Mike Hanks -- 6/11/1999, 10:22 am - Re: stich and glue
Jack Martin -- 6/11/1999, 8:33 am - Re: stich and glue
Stan Heeres -- 6/11/1999, 7:41 am - Re: stich and glue
Randy Knauff -- 6/10/1999, 11:29 pm - Re: stich and glue
C Terry -- 6/10/1999, 11:27 pm - Re: stich and glue
Guy wright -- 6/10/1999, 11:01 pm - Re: stich and glue
jbe -- 6/10/1999, 9:49 pm - Re: stich and glue
Byron Lawrence -- 6/10/1999, 4:18 pm
- Re: stich and glue