Boat Building Forum

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Re: Amine blush
By:Jay Babina
Date: 6/25/1999, 11:44 am
In Response To: Amine blush (Pete Campbell)

Amine blush is invisable and is just an oily surface that appears. It's usually not extreme and sometimes not even noticable. It's like a waxy surface on a window where you could drag you finger and see the mark. It is water soluable and some epoxies recommend using a little Amonia with water for clean up. It will interfere with the next coat of epoxy however.

I sounds like you have un cured epoxy. Many times epoxy will cure from the inside out. I have experienced that. Put it in the sun or heat for a day or two. If you can clean the surface with laquor thinner or acitone, - it's epoxy.

What epoxy did you use? Did you give it enough time and temperature? You can always contact the manufacturer.

Messages In This Thread

Amine blush
Pete Campbell -- 6/25/1999, 1:23 am
Re: Amine blush
Mike Hanks -- 6/25/1999, 4:15 pm
Re: Amine blush
Jay Babina -- 6/25/1999, 11:44 am
Re: Amine blush
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 6/28/1999, 11:33 am
Re: Amine blush
Dave in Long Beach -- 6/26/1999, 2:37 am