Date: 7/16/1999, 2:27 pm
> I think it's a bit unethical to be using the competition's web page for
> advertising purposes -- maybe it's an attempt at negative publicity by
> some anti-Pygmy person.
And I do not at all agree.
I find that the beauty of this Guillemot www site is that Nick has managed to do something that *very* few vendors in any kind of business has done:
Nick has - at least this is my opinion - elevated his site to a position above beeing a marketing site for his own business only. The Guillemot site as it is today is a service for all kind of builders, kit vendors, plan vendors, ... And the private business of Nick can only benefit by this beeing so and by people like me feeling this way about it - as long as Nick do still have time again for his own business.
THis is the real danger of Nicks service to us: That he will have too little time left for his own things. The danger is not that competitors engage in the way Dave Grimmer did. THis will only increase the popularity of the Guillemot site. I shall elaborate:
Dave Grimmer from Pygmy did chose to use the Guillemot site to find persons interested in doing a high quality job building Pygmy boats. IF he wants he should use this message in this way once more!!!
Because I interprete this in the following way:
Dave Grimmer feels as I do about the Guillemot site: It can be used for the best for everyone, as long as good netiquette is followed, and Nick will not object!! This is a compliment from Pygmy to Nick and this site of Nicks! Do you believe that Dave would post such a message to the CLC forum of the past?
THe message from Dave is an indication that Pygmy do as I feel that this page is positioned above the sometimes hostile competition between some kit manufacturers.
So will Nick loose anything by people like me and competitors alike feeling this way about his genuine interest in the best for all of us, as much or close to as much as in his own success selling his own designs and boats?
No, Nick will not! His respect for his competitors, and his willingness to help the possible customer by even pointing him/her to the competitors to find the project most suitable can over time only benefit his own activity - as long as his designs is competitive as to quality/price. IF Nick can one day not any more compete as to quality/price, he will have to start keeping secret the existence of competitors or go out of the boat thing. He obviously has hitherto not felt this way.
So: I welcome the message from Dave Grimmer. I also welcome similar messages from CLC and others. This is not direct or indirect marketing, and I would be surprised if Nick did not welcome this as I do.
I leave for holiday now, so for a week or two I can not engage in a possible discussion about what I have written here.
Best wishes for business for all vendors in the kit/plan business!
Jan Gunnar Moe
Messages In This Thread
- Looking for Pygmy Builders.
Dave Grimmer, Pygmy Boats Inc. -- 7/15/1999, 5:50 pm- Did Pygmy Boats really post this?
Dean Trexel -- 7/15/1999, 6:59 pm- Re: Did Pygmy Boats really post this?
John King -- 7/16/1999, 2:42 pm- I find message from Pygmy completely OK!!!
Jan Gunnar Moe -- 7/16/1999, 2:27 pm- Re: Pygmy Boats Posting and a Small Fortune
Joe Greenley -- 7/15/1999, 8:58 pm- Re: Pygmy Boats Posting and a Small Fortune
Dean Trexel -- 7/15/1999, 9:31 pm
- Re: Did Pygmy Boats really post this?
Don Lueder -- 7/15/1999, 8:42 pm- Just trying to help!
Dave Grimmer, Pygmy Boats Inc. -- 7/15/1999, 8:05 pm- Re: No offense taken
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/16/1999, 9:03 am- Re: Just trying to help!
Ross Leidy -- 7/15/1999, 9:11 pm- Re: Just trying to help!
Mike Hanks -- 7/18/1999, 3:24 am
- Re: Just trying to help!
- I find message from Pygmy completely OK!!!
- Re: Did Pygmy Boats really post this?
- Did Pygmy Boats really post this?