Date: 7/26/1999, 7:26 am
> I have recently finished my yare and want to do somthing special for a
> seat. I have hear of making a mold of your rear. is this possible? any
> other ideas would be much apriciated. I have just finished my second Treker ( which is from what I can figure is identical to the Yare ) and carved my own seat out of closed cell foam.I can advise that due to the low initial stability of these types of round bottom boats it is important to make the seat as low as possible to the bottom of the boat. A difference of 1/2 " in thickness is very obvious when paddling.My seat just covers the hollow in the centre of the boat and supplies only about 3/4 " of padding to my rear. Due to the density of the foam this provides more than enough comfort. By the way, if you haven't yet tried the boat be prepared for a pleasant surprise. Although these boats are very low volume and require alot of getting used to due to their low stabilty they are extemely responsive and are great fun to paddle. I believe that this boat will make me a better paddler due to the responsiveness and control required to use this boat. Enjoy !!!
Messages In This Thread
- any body got a cool suggestion for a seat?
David Blodgett -- 7/21/1999, 3:40 pm- Re: any body got a cool suggestion for a seat?
Chris Norred -- 7/26/1999, 5:23 pm - Re: any body got a cool suggestion for a seat?
Jim Reid -- 7/26/1999, 7:26 am - Re: any body got a cool suggestion for a seat?
lee -- 7/23/1999, 4:38 pm - Re: any body got a cool suggestion for a seat?
Stephen Rhodes -- 7/22/1999, 1:49 pm - Re: any body got a cool suggestion for a seat?
Hank -- 7/22/1999, 11:53 am - Re: any body got a cool suggestion for a seat?
Nolan -- 7/22/1999, 10:05 am
- Re: any body got a cool suggestion for a seat?