Date: 10/15/1999, 12:45 pm
> My wife has explained to me that I am to build her a canoe. She's selected
> the Hiawatha as the boat for me to build (though I think she should build
> her own boat). There is one other I want to really investigate though, but
> I can't find the book anymore!
> The book I'm looking for was about lapstrake construction, and had a
> picture ofa fella on the cover holding a lapsrake kayak/canoe up in the
> air on one hand. I think he was on the beach doing it. I think it may have
> been titled something like "ultra light canoes" or such. Do any
> of you recognize this, and if so, can you tell me the name of the book and
> or author so I can order it?
> Also, any of you folks have any experience with lapstrake construction? If
> so, I'd like to hear about it.
Hi Nolan,
Tom Hill's book Ultralight Boatbuilding covers construction of boat askiff and a small Wee Lassie type canoe. He also has plans available for two or three canoes that range from 11 to 15' long (I think). Another possibility is Iain Oughtred's Macgregor or RobRoy designs. The Robroy is 12', but can be built to 13'7". The Macgregor is 13'7" and can be expanded to 15'8". These are stunning boats and the plans detail both open or decked versions plus rigging details for adding sails. There is a picture of a 15' version on the Southern California kayak builders page....sorry I don't know the web address. Mr. Oughtred has a new glued-lap plywood building manual called Clinker Plywood Boatbuilding is very good....lots of pictures and good information, though Mr. Hill's method of lining off/getting out the plank shapes seems easier. Mr. Oughtred's address is: Iain Oughtred The Piers Findhorn, Moray Scotland IV36OYF
Hope this helps, garland
Messages In This Thread
- A certain book and lapstrake construction
Nolan -- 10/15/1999, 11:16 am- Re: Old Tricks
Ian Johnston -- 10/16/1999, 1:58 am - At last some real boats
Hans Friedel -- 10/15/1999, 2:36 pm - Re: A certain book and lapstrake construction
garland reese -- 10/15/1999, 12:45 pm- Re: A certain book and lapstrake construction
garland reese -- 10/15/1999, 11:06 pm
- Re: A certain book and lapstrake construction
- Two books (?)
Will Brockman -- 10/15/1999, 12:07 pm- Re: Two books (?)
Rob Forsell -- 10/15/1999, 12:57 pm
- Re: Two books (?)
- Re: A certain book and lapstrake construction
Mike Hanks -- 10/15/1999, 11:26 am - Re: A certain book and lapstrake construction
Ross Leidy -- 10/15/1999, 11:21 am
- Re: Old Tricks