Date: 10/15/1999, 2:36 pm
> My wife has explained to me that I am to build her a canoe. She's selected
> the Hiawatha as the boat for me to build (though I think she should build
> her own boat). There is one other I want to really investigate though, but
> I can't find the book anymore!
> The book I'm looking for was about lapstrake construction, and had a
> picture ofa fella on the cover holding a lapsrake kayak/canoe up in the
> air on one hand. I think he was on the beach doing it. I think it may have
> been titled something like "ultra light canoes" or such. Do any
> of you recognize this, and if so, can you tell me the name of the book and
> or author so I can order it?
> Also, any of you folks have any experience with lapstrake construction? If
> so, I'd like to hear about it.
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Messages In This Thread
- A certain book and lapstrake construction
Nolan -- 10/15/1999, 11:16 am- Re: Old Tricks
Ian Johnston -- 10/16/1999, 1:58 am - At last some real boats
Hans Friedel -- 10/15/1999, 2:36 pm - Re: A certain book and lapstrake construction
garland reese -- 10/15/1999, 12:45 pm- Re: A certain book and lapstrake construction
garland reese -- 10/15/1999, 11:06 pm
- Re: A certain book and lapstrake construction
- Two books (?)
Will Brockman -- 10/15/1999, 12:07 pm- Re: Two books (?)
Rob Forsell -- 10/15/1999, 12:57 pm
- Re: Two books (?)
- Re: A certain book and lapstrake construction
Mike Hanks -- 10/15/1999, 11:26 am - Re: A certain book and lapstrake construction
Ross Leidy -- 10/15/1999, 11:21 am
- Re: Old Tricks