Boat Building Forum

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Re: kayak racks
By:Charles Cooper
Date: 11/4/1999, 12:32 pm
In Response To: kayak racks (Kent LeBoutillier)

> Has anybody ever seen a rack for hauling a kayak that would slide into a
> receiver hitch on a pickup truck, something along the line of the ones
> made to haul bicycles.

I've seen all sorts of kayak roof mount systems, but nothing to mount in the receiver hitch. How would this work? On a bike rack, they are mounted "sideways". It seems to me that you would have to have a very short yak, or a very w-i-d-e vehicle. ;-)

Messages In This Thread

kayak racks
Kent LeBoutillier -- 11/4/1999, 11:44 am
Re: kayak racks
jason -- 11/4/1999, 1:43 pm
Re: kayak racks
Charles Cooper -- 11/4/1999, 12:32 pm
Re: kayak racks
addison m. -- 11/4/1999, 12:26 pm
Re: kayak racks (topper rack photo)
Shawn Baker -- 11/4/1999, 12:20 pm
Re: kayak racks (topper rack photo)
Kent LeBoutillier -- 11/5/1999, 6:08 am
Re: kayak racks (topper rack photo)
Shawn Baker -- 11/5/1999, 11:00 am
Re: kayak racks (topper rack photo)
Kent LeBoutillier -- 11/5/1999, 11:40 am