Date: 11/4/1999, 7:31 pm
> I'm finishing up the hull on my Outer Island stripper and am laying out
> the wood I will be using on the deck. The boat is all Northern White Cedar
> except for accent pieces, which will be walnut and cherry. The design
> calls for creating strips that will be 14" of cedar, 4" walnut,
> 14" cedar, 4" walnut, ad infinium ( or ad nauseum or ad
> boredom.) Some strips will be cedar/cherry/cedar/cherry, etc. It is a
> Navajo-style chevron pattern (I know, the Navajos weren't great
> kayakers...;-)
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> Will this be a big headache when it comes to fairing the boat later on?
> Will I have a hard time keeping the hardwoods and softwoods 'even'? The
> one big consolation is that these strips will be running down the center
> of the deck, about a 10" swath from bow to stern; it's flat with the
> exception of a slight crown over the foot area.
> Please advise before I get too far!... Thanks in advance Dean
Messages In This Thread
- Am I setting myself up for a headache?
Dean Trexel -- 11/4/1999, 7:03 pm- No, just sore shoulders.
Bob G -- 11/5/1999, 12:07 am- A picture might help
Dean Trexel -- 11/4/1999, 7:31 pm - A picture might help
- No, just sore shoulders.