Date: 11/8/1999, 11:37 am
> A little haha that a friend told me the other day.
> There are these two Irish sailors who's ship sank in the middle of the
> ocean. As luck would have it, they find a double kayak adrift and with
> much work, climb in. The Irish sailors look into the cockpits for paddles.
> The first on says, " Did ye find a paddle, Sean?"
> The second one answeres, " Nay, Shamus, I just found dis ol'
> lamp."
> So Shamus rubs the lamp and a Genie appears.
> The Genie says, " Well boys, I am an old Genie and so I can only
> grant you one wish."
> Being a good Irishman Sean says, "Okay, I want ya ta turn dis whole
> great ocean into beer!"
> " Done!", says the Genie. He then snaps his fingers and all the
> water in the ocean turns to a fine beer.
> Shamus says, " Sean, ya daft bugger! Now we have to pee in the
> boat!!"
> Ian
- "Ech Shamus, keep yair panties on, won't ye? Joost widdle in the front hatch and Oi'll tinkle in the back!"
- "Boot Oi cin hairdly reach, Sean! And boi bejaisus at this rate we'll be drownin' in less than too hurs!"
- "Stop yair fookin' whinin', Shamus, they're not yair usual hatches - Oi've used an idea from the kayak bildin' boolletin baird and poot in indoor ploomin'!!!!"
- "Indoor ploomin'? INDOOR PLOOMIN'???? Oi've read the same blarney 3 toimes o'er and there's bin nairy, nairy, NAIRY a post aboot outdoor ploomin', indoor ploomin', or any kroistly, bloody well ploomin' AT ALL!!"
- " Aaaahhh, cain't ye read then Shamus? Oi've just followed the advice of some other dumb mick, used a fool tube of silicone and made both my hatches . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
Messages In This Thread
- Kayak Joke
Ian Johnston -- 11/4/1999, 3:39 am- "Keep yair panties on, then Shamus!"...
the unforgiven -- 11/8/1999, 11:37 am - Re: Kayak Joke
Jim McCool -- 11/5/1999, 9:59 am
- "Keep yair panties on, then Shamus!"...