> Hey Mike, if you thimk the weekender is to small, maybe look at the
> vacationer (sp). I don't know if you considered it or not. It does look to
> have more cabin room, but I don't know if the increased cost could would
> justify it. I have also toyed with some different cabin configurations to
> gain some space and make some space do double duty, but I won't know if
> they will work untill I can get the hull built to try and fit them within
> the hulls constraints. I'll let you know if they do though, as I hope to
> start on it within a couple of months.Talk to you later. Tom
It's not just the cost, it's the space it will take up. I'm wanting a boat that will fit in my garage. I also like the beachability of the Weekender. The Vacationer might work but I'd like to go with the Weekender if I can customize the cabin enough.
For thos of you who don't know what a Vacationer looks like here's the pic.

Messages In This Thread
- Project/Location Survey!!!
Nathan Osborn -- 11/3/1999, 12:27 am- Re: Project/Location Survey!!!
Tom P -- 11/6/1999, 7:02 pm- Re: Weekender
Mike Hanks -- 11/7/1999, 12:11 am- vacationer
Tom P -- 11/8/1999, 8:58 pm- Re: vacationer
Mike Hanks -- 11/9/1999, 10:47 pm
- Re: vacationer
- vacationer
- Re: Project/Location Survey!!!
lee -- 11/6/1999, 8:54 am- Re: Project/Location Survey!!!
Brian T. Cunningham -- 11/8/1999, 6:15 pm- Re: Project/Location Survey!!!
lee -- 11/9/1999, 9:58 pm
- Re: Project/Location Survey!!!
- Re: Project/Location Survey!!!
Tig (and Tink) -- 11/4/1999, 1:45 am- Re: Project/Location Survey!!!
lee -- 11/4/1999, 7:59 am
- Re: Project/Location Survey!!!
Rehd -- 11/4/1999, 12:17 am- introduction + how to upload a photo ?
erez -- 11/3/1999, 10:56 pm- Re: introduction + how to upload a photo ?
Brian T. Cunningham -- 11/8/1999, 6:06 pm
- Feeling confined
Dean Trexel -- 11/3/1999, 8:40 pm- Addicts
Dan Lindberg -- 11/3/1999, 8:10 pm- I'm not an addict; I can quit anytime I want
Ross Leidy -- 11/3/1999, 4:40 pm- Re: I'm an Addict...
Don Beale -- 11/3/1999, 4:11 pm- Re: I'm in bad shape
Mike Hanks -- 11/3/1999, 10:54 am- Re: I'm in bad shape
lee -- 11/3/1999, 1:44 pm
- Re: Project/Location Survey!!!
lee -- 11/3/1999, 6:45 am - Re: Weekender
- Re: Project/Location Survey!!!