Date: 1/19/2000, 12:43 pm
> I have heard a number of builders recommend cabinet scrapers as an
> invaluable tool in kayak building, so I looked into getting one. The
> scrapers themselves are not expensive ($6.00 - $10.00), but the catalog
> companies do a good job of convincing you that you also need a filing jig
> to get agood 90 degree edge ($15.00 -$ 30.00), a burnisher to give it that
> fine hook cutting edge($16.00 - $31.00), and maybe even a scraper holder
> ($24.00 - $28.00).
> Do you need all these extras, can you do without them , or are there home
> grown ways of getting a scraper tuned up right? My dad was a cabinet Scrapers for 50+ years. We never use any attachments mentioned. For a perfect 90 degree edge, you can clamp the scraper between two 2x4. To burnisher the scraper, you can use any harden steel ( back of a chisel.) The scraper can easy the hand at the end of the day, but you can clamp the scraper between two 3/4 inch thick of wood: just to prevent blister, round the edges. However, sometime, you may prefer to slightly bend the scraper to control the action, you may want no wood handle at all in that case. In other words, save your money.
> By the way, I found this information in Japan Woodworker, WoodCraft, and
> Woodworker's Supply catalogs.
> Thanks, Will
Messages In This Thread
- Cabinet Scrapers
Will Stark -- 1/19/2000, 11:08 am- Re: Cabinet Scrapers
Jay Babina -- 1/21/2000, 9:06 am- Re: Cabinet Scrapers
Bigbob -- 1/20/2000, 6:27 pm- Re: Cabinet Scrapers
Will Stark -- 1/19/2000, 12:48 pm- Re: Cabinet Scrapers
Ed Valley -- 1/20/2000, 2:58 pm
- Re: Cabinet Scrapers
Tony Ling -- 1/19/2000, 12:43 pm - Re: Cabinet Scrapers
- Re: Cabinet Scrapers