Date: 1/28/2000, 10:28 am
I finished my Coho last fall, and while it was satisfying visually when the epoxy and fiberglass went on the hull, bringing out that beautiful color, the stitching process remains as the most amazing part of the process. Friends and family alike (and even me to some extent) were awestruck as those long, flat, funny shaped pieces of thin plywood that I had been working on for over a month suddenly took the shape of a boat over the course of only a couple days. Yes indeed, everything actually fit together perfectly. It does seem like magic!!
> I am ashamed at my lack of faith in the Pygmy quality. I continue to be
> amazed at how perfectly the panels come together. If I had just continued
> on to panel 2 prior to worrying about the alignment of the keel at the bow
> and stern, it would have been obvious that no removal of any wood was
> needed. The stitching is moving along very nicely and everything is
> magically coming together. It is so exciting to see the hull taking form.
> I’ll know better the next time! Thanks again for all the helpful comments.
> Wayne
Messages In This Thread
- Stitching the Opsry Keel
Wayne R. -- 1/25/2000, 5:49 am- I'll know better next time...
Wayne R. -- 1/27/2000, 9:13 am- Re: I'll know better next time...
Chris Bush -- 1/28/2000, 10:28 am
- Re: Do NOT Plane Them
Mike Hanks -- 1/25/2000, 9:51 pm- Re: Do NOT Plane Them
Wayne R. -- 1/26/2000, 12:52 pm- Re: Do NOT Plane Them
Mike Hanks -- 1/26/2000, 1:17 pm
- Re: Do NOT Plane Them
- Re: Stitching the Opsry Keel
TomF -- 1/25/2000, 7:43 pm- Re: Stitching the Opsry Keel
Larry C. -- 1/25/2000, 7:28 pm- Re: Stitching the Opsry Keel
Nolan -- 1/25/2000, 3:16 pm- Re: Stitching the Opsry Keel
Rehd -- 1/25/2000, 10:30 am- Re: Stitching the Opsry Keel
Greg Hicks -- 1/25/2000, 7:17 am- Re: Stitching the Osprey Keel
Wayne R. -- 1/25/2000, 10:01 am- Re: Stitching the Osprey Keel
Ken Finger -- 1/25/2000, 11:31 am
- Re: Stitching the Osprey Keel
- Re: I'll know better next time...
- I'll know better next time...