Date: 2/21/2000, 4:59 pm
Sounds like a perplexing problem. Don't start until it's resolved. I also find it hard to believe there is no set placement for the in between forms. Wierd response from the designer.
If no one in your area has one to measure against, I would send the plans back for the designer to double check they're not mixed up w/ other kayak forms. You must also double check w/ the designer that the deck and hull half forms are for the same location - (I just can't really believe that they're not - but what's going on?) I mean, are the hull and deck forms drawn separately?
The elegant simplicity and compactness of the strongback approach is hard to deny and should be no problem for this yak, but you need to be certain that you have the right forms and order.
You've certainly got the right idea to double check by tracing the form outlines on some trace. Assuming there's a ht reference on ea. form, just go and trace them all (marking ea trace w/ a no.). Can you make a fair curve w/ any two groups? Are the half stations numbered in the right location?
Ya got me curious, pls let us know what the heck is happening!!
Messages In This Thread
- Re: Problem?
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 4:59 pm- Re: Problem?
Brian Ruttle -- 2/21/2000, 5:38 pm- Do they look like this?
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 7:46 pm- Re: Do they look like this?
Brian Ruttle -- 2/22/2000, 10:49 am
- What's Going On??
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 6:06 pm - Re: Do they look like this?
- Do they look like this?
- Re: Problem?