Date: 2/21/2000, 5:38 pm
> Sounds like a perplexing problem. Don't start until it's resolved. I also
> find it hard to believe there is no set placement for the in between
> forms. Wierd response from the designer.
> If no one in your area has one to measure against, I would send the plans
> back for the designer to double check they're not mixed up w/ other kayak
> forms. You must also double check w/ the designer that the deck and hull
> half forms are for the same location - (I just can't really believe that
> they're not - but what's going on?) I mean, are the hull and deck forms
> drawn separately?
> The elegant simplicity and compactness of the strongback approach is hard
> to deny and should be no problem for this yak, but you need to be certain
> that you have the right forms and order.
> You've certainly got the right idea to double check by tracing the form
> outlines on some trace. Assuming there's a ht reference on ea. form, just
> go and trace them all (marking ea trace w/ a no.). Can you make a fair
> curve w/ any two groups? Are the half stations numbered in the right
> location?
> Ya got me curious, pls let us know what the heck is happening!!
> -mick
Mick Thanks for responce on our problem, Rob's plan are on two large sheets of paper, the hull and deck are drawn as a total unit and only given from the center line over. So on these two sheets, one has whole number sations the other with 1/2 marked stations. Two to three forms are placed on top of each other and are alined by the shear line. For me to get the right placement for each station I used Rob's distance from the baceline measurements and drew each station the distance above the baseline as per Rob's measurenents. I think this should have made everything fair? Rob's plans are vary official looking with the model name and copy write warning all over them. I don't think I have to two different boats plan mixed together. This internet stuff is fun THANKS, Cheers Brian
Messages In This Thread
- Re: Problem?
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 4:59 pm- Re: Problem?
Brian Ruttle -- 2/21/2000, 5:38 pm- Do they look like this?
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 7:46 pm- Re: Do they look like this?
Brian Ruttle -- 2/22/2000, 10:49 am
- What's Going On??
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 6:06 pm - Re: Do they look like this?
- Do they look like this?
- Re: Problem?