Boat Building Forum

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What's Going On??
By:mike allen --->
Date: 2/21/2000, 6:06 pm
In Response To: Re: Problem? (Brian Ruttle)

> Mick Thanks for responce on our problem, Rob's plan are on two large
> sheets of paper, the hull and deck are drawn as a total unit and only
> given from the center line over. So on these two sheets, one has whole
> number sations the other with 1/2 marked stations. Two to three forms are
> placed on top of each other and are alined by the shear line. For me to
> get the right placement for each station I used Rob's distance from the
> baceline measurements and drew each station the distance above the
> baseline as per Rob's measurenents. I think this should have made
> everything fair? Rob's plans are vary official looking with the model name
> and copy write warning all over them. I don't think I have to two
> different boats plan mixed together. This internet stuff is fun THANKS,
> Cheers Brian

Sounds to me like you're making the right moves, but what gives?

What if there is a printing reduction error?? Put both sheets of paper on top of each other - do the borderLINES line up (not the paper size) or is one sheet printed at a different size? If there's no border, compare the printing or the logos.

Or is one sheet for the stern and one for the bow but he has funny numbering?

Obviously I'm just treading water here - someone else here will know for sure.


Messages In This Thread

Re: Problem?
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 4:59 pm
Re: Problem?
Brian Ruttle -- 2/21/2000, 5:38 pm
Do they look like this?
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 7:46 pm
Re: Do they look like this?
Brian Ruttle -- 2/22/2000, 10:49 am
What's Going On??
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 6:06 pm