Boat Building Forum

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Do they look like this?
By:mike allen --->
Date: 2/21/2000, 7:46 pm
In Response To: Re: Problem? (Brian Ruttle)

Hey Brian

Do your sections look any thing like the section overlays halfway down this links page?? Could your half forms be for the front 'half'(ie the bow and the back be for the stern. Or could they be a half size set?? maybe I'm a halfwit!! Half a look, eh?? Anyway, half to go!!


Messages In This Thread

Re: Problem?
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 4:59 pm
Re: Problem?
Brian Ruttle -- 2/21/2000, 5:38 pm
Do they look like this?
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 7:46 pm
Re: Do they look like this?
Brian Ruttle -- 2/22/2000, 10:49 am
What's Going On??
mike allen ---> -- 2/21/2000, 6:06 pm