Date: 2/22/2000, 10:11 pm
> Hi Greg!
> Thanks for your word's to let me know that I am not crazy, I asked Rob
> twice now fo help, and his words of wisdom are follow my plans. I going to
> scratch my head alought over the next week as I try to re-work these
> plans. Cheers:Brian
If I understand it right, you would end up with forms about every 10". I think my cousin only used the whole number forms. I remember thinking that they seemed to be spaced a little wide. The forms that seemed to knock the sheerline out of fair, are they also doing the same at the center of the deck?
I believe my cousin reduced the height by triming the offending forms 1/2" or so, whatever the erronous height was at the sheerline, from the sheerline to the centerline.
Messages In This Thread
- Re: Problum with Rob Macks North Star plans?
Greg -- 2/21/2000, 11:45 pm- Re: Problum with Rob Macks North Star plans?
Brian Ruttle -- 2/22/2000, 11:00 am- Re: Problum with Rob Macks North Star plans?
Greg -- 2/22/2000, 10:11 pm- Re: Problum with Rob Macks North Star plans?
Bill Heuser -- 2/24/2000, 4:46 pm
- Re: Problum with Rob Macks North Star plans?
- Re: Problum with Rob Macks North Star plans?
Bill Heuser -- 2/22/2000, 9:18 am- Sorry to hear that you had North Star Problums Too
Brian Ruttle -- 2/22/2000, 11:10 am
- Re: Problum with Rob Macks North Star plans?
- Re: Problum with Rob Macks North Star plans?