Put in the end forms first and run a string between them. The string stretches, and sags, so it is no good for adjusting the hieght of the next forms, but it does help you center them, left to right.
Then put in the odd number forms. Ignore the even number ones for a while.
This gives you half the number of forms to align, but it is still plenty to work with, and it defines the shape of the boat rather well. once these forms are in place you can take a few scrap strips and staple them to the forms. These will define the shape of the boat, and help to stabilize the forms for a while, until the real strips go on.
Now install the even number forms. If you sun short strips over several of the forms you have already installed it should be a simple matter of setting the form so it touches some of these strips, and then mounting it securely.
Check the fit by laying a few more strips over the section of the hull and seeing if you get a smooth transition. Yo may have to move the form to one side or fore or aft a bit. If it looks like you are seting one of the even number forms way out of place, go back and take a look at the odd number forms that you put in first. One of them may be misaligned.
have fun assembling the forms. once you get a few strips layed on them you'll realize it was all worth it.
Paul G. Jacobson.
Messages In This Thread
- you didn't warn me...
Chris Loeliger -- 3/14/2000, 3:02 am- laser level/plumb - if you can borrow one
Bruce -- 3/18/2000, 2:04 pm- Using string
mike allen ---} -- 3/16/2000, 1:20 pm- Re: Using string
John Waddington -- 3/17/2000, 7:17 am- Marking Forms for String Lines
mike allen ---} -- 3/17/2000, 11:50 am- Re: Marking Forms for String Lines
Spidey -- 3/18/2000, 5:13 pm- Rethinking String Orientation
mike allen ---} -- 3/20/2000, 12:11 pm- Shotgun Holes
mike allen ---} -- 3/20/2000, 11:30 am - Shotgun Holes
- Re: Marking Forms for String Lines
John Waddington -- 3/18/2000, 7:30 am - Rethinking String Orientation
- Re: Using string
mark stevens -- 3/17/2000, 9:48 am - Re: Marking Forms for String Lines
- Marking Forms for String Lines
- It sounds crazy, but ignore the even number forms
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/15/2000, 4:48 am- Re: you didn't warn me...
Ray -- 3/14/2000, 4:29 pm- Re: boat stand improvement.
Greg -- 3/15/2000, 1:11 am
- Re: you didn't warn me...
Jim Eisenmenger -- 3/14/2000, 6:56 am - Using string
- laser level/plumb - if you can borrow one