Date: 3/15/2000, 5:35 pm
> Read.
> Start with this board, and ALL the links. That is prety much free, and
> totally mind boggling. this should take about a year. Next year you hit
> the libraries, and then the book stores to buy the classic texts on kayak
> building. To cut some time off of this, just get these four books: Nick
> Schade's book on stripbuilding kayaks, David Hazen's book on strip
> building canoes (and kayaks) Chris Kulczycki's book ( the kayak shop) on
> stitch and glue builidng, and George Putz's book on canvas covered boats.
> Any one of these will get you started. Reading more than one will give you
> some additional ideas.
> Paul G. Jacobson Wow, Paul, you are not thinking about building all those, are you? I just get Nick's and Christ's book. These two work just fine for me. I built a skin boat without any plan -- just a hunch from someone's verbal dscription--something about 3arms length and 2fists + my waist. Of course, those were my student's day and a lot more courage....
Messages In This Thread
CULPER -- 3/14/2000, 1:35 pm- read, read , read
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/14/2000, 10:55 pm- Re: read, read , read
Tony -- 3/15/2000, 5:35 pm- gotta get 'em all
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/15/2000, 9:25 pm- the more the better?
Hank -- 3/15/2000, 10:21 pm
- the more the better?
- gotta get 'em all
Jim Eisenmenger -- 3/14/2000, 5:43 pm- Re: A FEW QUESTIONS FROM A BEGINER
Rick thomas -- 3/14/2000, 4:10 pm- Re: A FEW QUESTIONS FROM A BEGINER
Fritz OConnor -- 3/14/2000, 3:58 pm- Re: A FEW QUESTIONS FROM A BEGINER
David -- 3/14/2000, 3:31 pm- Re: A FEW QUESTIONS FROM A BEGINER
Ken Finger -- 3/14/2000, 3:08 pm- Re: A FEW QUESTIONS FROM A BEGINER
Johnnie McNeely -- 3/14/2000, 1:40 pm - Re: read, read , read
- read, read , read