Date: 3/24/2000, 9:24 pm
Paddle it--do you like it?
I personally only know of one Yare--Pete Rudie built it and didn't really like it. He gave it to his son and who loves it.
Who cares what we think--if you like it, then buy it, don't pass it up because someone else dislikes it; if you don't like it, don't buy it because someone else likes it!
Boat choice is very subjective. The absolute best advice I can offer (and maybe the best you'll ever get) is to paddle as many boats as you can. Before and after you buy your first boat. Then, buy a second boat. Decide what you really like and what you really dislike, and by your third boat, you should have an idea of exactly what you want!! I know it sounds like a lot of horse trading, but that's pretty much how it works. You start out with an "easier" boat, and your tastes and skills develop and you move on to different boats. Aside from Randy's comment, I've never heard of anyone who absolutely fell in love with their first boat--maybe you will be the second!
> Randy, yours is the first positive response to the yare so far. I will at
> least go to take a look at it. I too am 5' 5". I weight 125#.
> thankyou for the information. lorna
Messages In This Thread
- On purchasing a Yare kayak
lorna -- 3/24/2000, 1:33 pm- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
Alex ferguson -- 3/27/2000, 12:24 am- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
Wayne Poulsen -- 3/27/2000, 8:46 am- Variations on the Yare kayak
Alex ferguson -- 3/27/2000, 6:38 pm
- Variations on the Yare kayak
- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
david Blodgett -- 3/26/2000, 6:22 pm- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
Bill Heuser -- 3/25/2000, 4:18 pm- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
Mike Hanks -- 3/24/2000, 2:06 pm- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
lorna -- 3/24/2000, 3:27 pm- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
David Dick -- 3/24/2000, 7:51 pm- Re: Buy the Yare
Randy Ames -- 3/24/2000, 5:10 pm- Re: Buy the Yare
lorna -- 3/24/2000, 5:55 pm- Re: Test drive the Yare
Shawn Baker -- 3/24/2000, 9:24 pm
- Re: Test drive the Yare
- Re: Buy the Yare
- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
Bill Heuser -- 3/24/2000, 1:53 pm- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
lorna -- 3/24/2000, 3:20 pm- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
Dave Canning -- 3/25/2000, 10:44 am
- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak
- Re: On purchasing a Yare kayak