Date: 4/3/2000, 2:09 pm
Well, I was just cleaning up my utterly enormous bookmark file as I must do from time to time. I was putting a bit of polish on the kayak building section, and I thought of the KBBB...
I know that I've combed the web for kayak resources and snatched up all of the personal kayak pages that I've seen here, and I'm sure that others here do this too. I automatically post my bookmarks file on my personal web page so that I can have access to them wherever I go. Anyone looking for kayak links might want to have a look... (I've included the link below.)
I'm not really trying to provide a service, but you are all welcome to use it if you like. If you feel that I'm missing any essential links or have a personal kayak page that I haven't found, let me know!
Thanks alot,
Messages In This Thread
- Links: It's all on the web... but where?
Tim Stough -- 4/3/2000, 2:09 pm- Ditto
Brian T. Cunningham -- 4/3/2000, 6:06 pm- Oops! Addendum.
Tim Stough -- 4/3/2000, 2:12 pm - Oops! Addendum.
- Ditto