Boat Building Forum

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Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat (Photo)
Date: 4/3/2000, 10:53 pm
In Response To: Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat (Photo) (John B.)

Hi John;

I glassed in my garage beginning at about 7PM, when outdoor temperatures were falling very slightly. A thermometer and hygrometer (RH%) in the garage showed no significant change from beginning to end. You would prefer the temperature to be falling, so the wood does not outgas. I can't comment on rising temperatures, although my friend Dan didn't seem concerned in the least about any of that detail . . . 8-)

A very important point in my opinion is the application of the glass cloth - - Put it on a day before, brush it into position as best as you can, and keep brushing it into position about the stems until epoxy application. I had a little "air" in the bow stem glass, and when it was wet out, it conformed to the stem contour perfectly with no cutting necessary. My stern is almost 90 degrees to the keel, so I just cut the glass flush with the stern end and used the 2 layers of cloth strip reinforcement to do the job. If your cloth is nice and flush, your epoxy application will be a piece of cake. IOW, don't epoxy until your cloth is relatively tight against the hull by itself.

Hope this helps, feel free to email as I'm on a temporary "done it right" high!

Best Regards, Spidey

Messages In This Thread

Glassing the SpiderBoat (Photo)
Spidey -- 4/3/2000, 10:06 pm
Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat
Scott Lee -- 4/4/2000, 3:33 pm
Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat
Spidey -- 4/4/2000, 5:05 pm
Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat
Scotty -- 4/4/2000, 7:53 pm
Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat (Photo)
Scotty -- 4/4/2000, 9:19 am
Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat (Photo)
Spidey -- 4/4/2000, 10:57 am
Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat (Photo)
Hank -- 4/4/2000, 8:12 am
Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat (Photo)
Spidey -- 4/4/2000, 10:41 am
What? Me worry?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/4/2000, 11:14 pm
Re: Sanded Right Thru The Glass! (Photo)
Spidey -- 4/5/2000, 12:13 am
Re: Club Membership
Mike Hanks -- 4/5/2000, 10:56 am
Re: Club Membership
Tammy Hanks -- 4/5/2000, 4:50 pm
Re: Club Membership
Spidey -- 4/5/2000, 12:06 pm
Re: Club Membership
Mike Hanks -- 4/5/2000, 1:11 pm
Re: Club Membership
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Spidey -- 4/5/2000, 2:41 pm
Great job !!!
Greg -- 4/3/2000, 11:34 pm
Re: Thanks!
Spidey -- 4/4/2000, 12:29 am
Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat (Photo)
John B. -- 4/3/2000, 10:25 pm
Re: Glassing the SpiderBoat (Photo)
Spidey -- 4/3/2000, 10:53 pm