Date: 4/12/2000, 1:06 pm
> Last fall I put my 6 oz fiberglass on my Wee Lassie II. Too bad I forgot
> to pay attention to the temperature. It must have dropped down into the
> 40's. First thing I noticed was that my epoxy went milky. So I scraped off
> as much epoxy as I could before it hardened.
> A few weeks later (I'm building at my parents place which is an hour
> away), I noticed that the surface had liquid droplets. They were epoxy.
> So that brings us up to today I pulled the boat out of the shop to sand
> off the milky spots. In the process I discovered how rampant the uncured
> epoxy is. For the most part its localized to about a 5 sq. ft. area with
> spots here and there. I spent the afternoon scraping the bad areas off.
> Sometimes the surface wood pulled up. Seems the bad epoxy has soaked into
> the surface of the wood.
> Since I've got milky spots on the canoe, I'm thinking of getting some 36
> grit disks for my orbital sander and removing all the fiberglass and
> epoxy. That means going back to square one. Any suggestions? If you think
> you can help, e-mail me and I will e-mail a few pictures to look at.
> Thanks
> Roger Roger, I had the same problem. I figure for now I will live with it and consider it a lesson learned, as apposed to trying to fix it. I stained my hull, and got milky spots on the first application of epoxy/glass. I used West System, cold cure. Temp still dropped below 40 Deg. during curing process for me, I don't think this was the problem. I think it was moisture and over working the epoxy. Moisture perhaps from the water -based stain. Should have let it dry longer. It sat for at least a week to dry. I did notice that the more I worked the epoxy, the more milky it got. I stopped re-using the epoxy that collected on the squeegee after a pass, after noticing how milky IT was. That was my first coat, and first experience using epoxy and glass. I did talk to a West Sys guy before this, and remember his warning about moisture and cloudiness. After that first coat I had no more problems. The only thing that varied was the wood was sealed, and epoxy squeegeed off was not re-used. I figured the only fix would be to grind off all the glass, epoxy, and stain, then start over. And spend another summer building instead of paddling? - No WAY! I figure I can fix it later (restore it!) or better yet, just build another (better) one! PS, The epoxy seems to have cured fine, it just cloudy. Dave Colant
Messages In This Thread
- Poor cure with epoxy
Roger Nuffer -- 4/11/2000, 10:56 pm- Re: Milky spots
Dave Colant -- 4/12/2000, 1:06 pm- Re: My plan of action for Pure cure/Milky spots
Roger Nuffer -- 4/12/2000, 10:24 pm
- Re: Poor cure with epoxy
Hank -- 4/12/2000, 8:19 am- Re: Poor cure with epoxy
Jay Babina -- 4/12/2000, 7:51 am- one more thought
Jay Babina -- 4/12/2000, 7:58 am- Re: one more thought
Scotty -- 4/12/2000, 8:58 am- Re: one more thought
Jay Babina -- 4/12/2000, 11:12 am
- Re: one more thought
- Re: one more thought
- Re: Poor cure with epoxy
Roger Nuffer -- 4/12/2000, 5:02 am - Re: My plan of action for Pure cure/Milky spots
- Re: Milky spots