Two possibilities. Check with an automotive paint store or body shop, find out what they recommend for the flexible plastic parts on cars - fascia panels, bumper covers etc. I also recall reading somewhere that hobby stores carry some form of modeling paint for use on RC cars, which have flexible plastic shells, and this paint is supposed to be more flexible than the standard variety. Dennis
: I have two boats. One fiberglass (with gel coat), the other is plastic (HTP)
: what type of paint would you use for an air brush design on either boat?
: I do realize that latex base housepaint and water soluble poster paits are
: bad choices.
: I am concerned that if I use a laquer base that the flexing of the hull will
: cause eventual cracking/peeling etc... I don't know if this would effect
: enamel in this way. It seems to be less brittle, but I don't know for
: sure.
: What would/do boat builders use? Or if anyone knows a good library source
: would help.
: Any information will be appreciated.
: Thanks,
: Paul
Messages In This Thread
- Airbrushing
Paul -- 4/19/2000, 9:30 am- Re: Airbrushing
shawn hartnett -- 4/20/2000, 2:24 pm- Re: Airbrushing
Dennis -- 4/19/2000, 9:50 am- Re: Airbrushing
Paul -- 4/19/2000, 11:21 am
- Re: Airbrushing
- Re: Airbrushing