Re: Titebond II wood glue
By:Jerry Siegel
Date: 4/28/2000, 11:00 pm
Date: 4/28/2000, 11:00 pm
In Response To: Titebond II wood glue (Chuck W.)
My five year old Micmac canoe is constructrd of Redwood, using Titebond glue (original). Being Redwood it is very dark and heats up in the sun untill it is so hot, I can only hold my hand on it for a short time. There are no signs of damage to the glue joints or the fiberglass finish. This canoe sees lots of use and sun. I've used Titebond II and found that it did leave noticable glue streaks if the joints weren't tight.
Messages In This Thread
- Titebond II wood glue
Chuck W. -- 4/28/2000, 12:18 pm- Re: Titebond II wood glue
Jim Eisenmenger -- 4/30/2000, 10:34 pm- Stains
Jerry Siegel -- 5/1/2000, 3:05 pm
- Re: Titebond II wood glue
Rehd -- 4/28/2000, 11:43 pm- Re: Titebond II wood glue
Jerry Siegel -- 4/28/2000, 11:00 pm - Stains
- Re: Titebond II wood glue