Boat Building Forum

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foredeck *Pic*
By:Dean Trexel
Date: 5/1/2000, 9:31 pm

The lighting is better in this scan, so this is a better representation of what the boat really looks like. The knob on the hatch isn't installed yet -- it's just posing. I cut the hatches right down the middle of the outer walnut half-strip to make the line less visible. You can also see those steenkin' dark cherry coaming riser blocks I mentioned a couple of pictures ago. I managed to select pretty consistent white cedar strips for the deck, which I'm pleased with. The hull has a more varied look.


Messages In This Thread

foredeck *Pic*
Dean Trexel -- 5/1/2000, 9:31 pm
Re: foredeck
Steve Humphrey -- 5/2/2000, 9:48 am