I would recommend using a product like Snow-Roof. That is what I used on my canvas kayak. It is very flexible. I used Elast-o-Seal as the base coat. I thinned it 50% with water for the first coat, to penetrate the canvas. The second coat I used full strength Elast-o-Seal to help fill the weave. I used the Snow-Roof on the additional coats until I could no longer see the Elast-o-Seal. Elast-o-Seal is the recommended primer for Snow-Roof. Elast-o-Seal stretches up to 1000% while Snow-Roof stretches 400%. It dries enough for light use in a couple of days, but I would let it dry a month before expecting FULL durability. You can also color coat it with exterior latex paint.
I had heard oil paint has a tendency to crack over time so I experimented with alternate coatings. I liked the Elast-o-Seal Snow-Roof combination best, but I will be testing urethane later this year.
: Some scouts, my son included, have built a collaspeable kayak out of plywood
: and heavy canvas.Contact cement was used to adhere the canvas to the 1/2
: inch plywood. On Previous kayaks efforts, all that was done to make them
: "sea worthy" was to prime inside and out and then paint with
: 100% acrylic paint. The leaders are planning to use them in seawater as
: well as fresh water.
: My first question is this sufficient water proofing? What kind of primer
: should be used? Oil or latex. I was planning to use a an Oil based primer
: suited for a latex top coat.
: I thought about using some bondo to transition the fabric edges to the wood
: for a nicer appearance. I've not used bondo before, is it flexible enough
: to resist cracking chiping or would there be a better material for this
: pupose.
: Any insights would be appreciated, especially if it can help prevent a bad
: judgement call on painting approach.
Messages In This Thread
- Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Gene Bowley -- 5/1/2000, 1:26 pm- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 5/2/2000, 8:20 pm- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Tony -- 5/3/2000, 7:09 pm- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/3/2000, 11:30 pm- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Tony -- 5/5/2000, 4:41 pm- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/6/2000, 10:26 am- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Kelly Trehearne -- 5/7/2000, 9:31 am- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Mike Hanks -- 5/8/2000, 12:24 am- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/7/2000, 9:58 am - Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Mike Hanks -- 5/3/2000, 10:04 pm - Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Gene Bowley -- 5/3/2000, 9:40 am - Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/1/2000, 5:23 pm- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
tony -- 5/1/2000, 8:23 pm- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/2/2000, 9:39 pm- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Gene Bowley -- 5/3/2000, 9:44 am
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Ken Finger -- 5/1/2000, 3:36 pm- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Dean Trexel -- 5/1/2000, 1:38 pm- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Gene Bowley -- 5/2/2000, 9:58 am- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
Greg Hicks -- 5/1/2000, 3:00 pm - Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak
- Re: Painting a plywood/canvas kayak *Pic*