Boat Building Forum

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Re: Another Lauan question
Date: 5/8/2000, 9:12 pm
In Response To: Another Lauan question (BStruss)

: After doing research I think I am going to try and build a kayak out of
: lauan. One thing that I'm not clear on though is the references to
: exterior grade lauan. I have read about it on this board and in "The
: Kayak Shop." In calling lumber yards and looking at Home Depot and
: Lowe's all I can come up with is the standard 1/4" and 1/8"
: doorskin but these don't have an exterior rating. Will these be sufficient
: or am I missing something?

: Thanks Bailey--

Most door skin are glue together with water resisstance glue. But you don't want to chance it, right? One way to test if the wood will hold is to stick a small piece in the dishwasher for a couple of weeks-- just make sure your wife will tolerate it-- or boil it in hot water for an hour or two. If the wood show no sign of falling apart, it is more likely to hold up when occasionally dunk in cold water.

What is more important is to make sure there is absolutely no void in the wood. Water may sip inside and rot out the wood. More obvious is the wood panel may break or not bend the way you intended.

Lauan is good to practice on the first boat when you are not sure of your skill. If you want a boat which you want to value and proud offor years to come, the more expansive marine ply is still the best way.

Messages In This Thread

Another Lauan question
BStruss -- 5/8/2000, 7:33 pm
Re: Another Lauan question
Hank -- 5/9/2000, 4:01 pm
Re: Another okoume option
Shawn B -- 5/9/2000, 1:51 pm
Re: Another okoume option
pete czerpak -- 5/10/2000, 9:27 am
Re: Another Lauan question
Brian Nystrom -- 5/9/2000, 1:07 pm
Re: Another Lauan question
Mike Hanks -- 5/8/2000, 11:06 pm
Re: Another Lauan question
tony -- 5/8/2000, 9:12 pm