Re: Some more pics...a canoe shelf
Date: 5/12/2000, 8:16 pm
Date: 5/12/2000, 8:16 pm
In Response To: Some more pics...a canoe shelf *Pic* (Doug K)
: I remember a few folks on this list asking me about the canoe shelf I made
: for a customer this spring... here's a couple photo's
That is a neat trick -- may be I can convince my wife I'm really building a couple of decorative book shelves. When it comes time to hit the water, I can bolt the two halves together. MMmm.... Let me think.
Messages In This Thread
- Some more pics...a canoe shelf *Pic*
Doug K -- 5/11/2000, 8:04 pm- Re: Some more pics...a canoe shelf
Tony -- 5/12/2000, 8:16 pm- A close up of the deck *Pic*
Doug K -- 5/11/2000, 8:07 pm- Another *Pic*
Doug K -- 5/11/2000, 8:06 pm - A close up of the deck *Pic*
- Re: Some more pics...a canoe shelf