Oh I'll be sure to get some right away!!
By:Doug K
Date: 5/19/2000, 11:55 am
Date: 5/19/2000, 11:55 am
In Response To: Sanding. (Levent Seker)
Why would spammers think for one second that the people they spew this garbage upon would actually buy it??? What thought process (or lack there of) happens in a spammers mind??? Begin internal spammer dialogue "Hey if I sent out half a million unwanted, uncolicited emails the money will just begin to roll in!! OR better yet if I visit and spam bulletin boards all the people there will just naturally buy what I'm pushing!!!" end mindless drivel.
:-) Doug, the spam hater
Messages In This Thread
- Sanding.
Levent Seker -- 5/19/2000, 10:47 am- Re: translated from what language?
lee -- 5/19/2000, 10:51 pm- Oh I'll be sure to get some right away!!
Doug K -- 5/19/2000, 11:55 am- Re: I think you'd be surprised
Ross Leidy -- 5/19/2000, 12:10 pm
- Oh I'll be sure to get some right away!!
- Re: translated from what language?