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Re: end pour warning
By:Julie Kanarr
Date: 5/21/2000, 10:26 pm
In Response To: end pour warning (ross beare)

I doubt if your discoloration will go away by itself. It may be in the varnish, or it may be in the underlying wood. I suppose the way to tell would be to sand it down & revarnish -- and if the discoloration is still there, well, it's the wood that cooked.

Here's my story -- (similar). When I did the end pour on my Pygmy Artic Tern, it was starting to discolor -- and the wood was Very Warm. I ran to the freezer, got an ice pack, and wrapped it around the bow. By the time I'd noticed what was going on & got the ice on it, I did end up with some discoloration --- but it isn't *that* bad -- (besides, it was my first boat, and I'd decided that if it were *perfect*, I wouldn't dare to actually *use* it, for fear of scratches, etc.... so I've reconciled myself to it.) When I did the end pour on the next boat (a Pygmy Coho that I'm building for my stepfather's daughter), I wrapped an ice pack around the bow right after I did the pour, left it there until the epoxy cured, and I had no problems with discoloration -- or the excitement of smoking epoxy. (I stuck my ice pack into a ziplock bag, placed it against the bow so it wrapped around the area of the pour, and wrapped masking tape around it so the ice pack wouldn't fall off.)

: Hi there; for various reasons I chose not to do my end pours until the kayak
: was varnished. Think it was a BIG mistake!!! Did pour and left, came back
: later and found discoloration due to heat build up during cure. This
: happen to anyone else???? Will it come back to original colors or will I
: have to re-varnish..will re-varnishing make any difference?

Julie Kanarr

Messages In This Thread

end pour warning
ross beare -- 5/20/2000, 9:08 pm
Re: end pour warning
Julie Kanarr -- 5/21/2000, 10:26 pm
Re: end pour warning
lee -- 5/21/2000, 10:48 pm