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Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
Date: 5/24/2000, 4:41 pm
In Response To: End pours and hull-deck fit (David)

: Just finished the end pours on my Arctic Tern and much to my surprise, there
: is an area about 3 inches aft of the bow where the hull is now 1/4"
: wider than the deck. I sized the carboard dams loosely, so as not to have
: this very problem. The deck has been epoxied and reinforced on the bottom
: so there's not any give there. I don't see any easy solutions here, maybe
: accept a 1/8" wide band of thickened epoxy on either side for a
: length of about 2 inches or try to get to remove the bow end epoxy plug
: (yikes!). Any ideas?


Have you tried "flexing" the deck & hull a bit? When I was fitting the deck to the hull on my Tern, I found that near the bow & stern I needed to work a bit more with the strapping tape to get everything to align after the end-pours were done. I don't think I had 1/4" to make up, but by working from amidships towards the stems, the hull & deck pretty much came into alignment. I was taping every six inches or so, but it worked. Of course, after you run the bead of thickened epoxy along the inside of the shear, everything is pretty much locked in place, let alone after you glass the top of the deck. If your gap remains even after intensive taping, I'd say go for an outboard bead of thickened epoxy as well - a 1/8th bead that evenly tapers on both sides to wherever you can get the hull & deck to fully meet should look fine. Good luck. Chuck

Messages In This Thread

End pours and hull-deck fit
David -- 5/24/2000, 3:32 pm
Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
David -- 5/30/2000, 3:13 pm
Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
Jay Babina -- 5/25/2000, 11:19 am
Dale Frolander -- 5/24/2000, 10:08 pm
Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
mike allen ---> -- 5/24/2000, 7:01 pm
Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
Charles Cooper -- 5/24/2000, 5:20 pm
Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
Chuck -- 5/24/2000, 4:41 pm