Boat Building Forum

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Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
By:mike allen --->
Date: 5/24/2000, 7:01 pm
In Response To: End pours and hull-deck fit (David)

: Just finished the end pours on my Arctic Tern and much to my surprise, there
: is an area about 3 inches aft of the bow where the hull is now 1/4"
: wider than the deck. I sized the carboard dams loosely, so as not to have
: this very problem. The deck has been epoxied and reinforced on the bottom
: so there's not any give there. I don't see any easy solutions here, maybe
: accept a 1/8" wide band of thickened epoxy on either side for a
: length of about 2 inches or try to get to remove the bow end epoxy plug
: (yikes!). Any ideas?

Hi David:

What about just drilling a whole pile of stoppered drill holes and connect them w/ a saw or chisel. Like a small hose clamp or tape on the drill bit so you don't ever go too low. And just go crazy. When it's movable, clamp to the correct o/s diam and fill all the holes again. Then put together. Should work and you don't have to worry too much.


Messages In This Thread

End pours and hull-deck fit
David -- 5/24/2000, 3:32 pm
Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
David -- 5/30/2000, 3:13 pm
Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
Jay Babina -- 5/25/2000, 11:19 am
Dale Frolander -- 5/24/2000, 10:08 pm
Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
mike allen ---> -- 5/24/2000, 7:01 pm
Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
Charles Cooper -- 5/24/2000, 5:20 pm
Re: End pours and hull-deck fit
Chuck -- 5/24/2000, 4:41 pm