I've been a subscriber on the baidarka mailing list for a while now and what I have heard is to add a small amount of powdered paint to the urethane. This should tint the urethane but leave it translucent. I used canvas and Snow-Roof on my skin kayak, but will use polyester or nylon on my next one, I've just started it. I will probably use Snow-Roof again because I have half of it left over.
: I would like to use Dacron cover my skin on frame kayak. But I am not sure
: what to use to coat the Dacron to make it water proof. I thought of using
: epoxy but have heard that epoxy does not fully adhere. I have seen sites
: where people use polyurethane to waterproof dacron. But what if you want
: to use a color? Do I paint over the polyurethane or add coloring to the
: polyurethane? If anybody has any experince with this or knows where I can
: get coatings suitable for dacron, I would be very gratefull.
: Anand
Messages In This Thread
- Dacron Coating
Anand Nataraj -- 6/1/2000, 8:27 pm- Re: Dacron Coating
Mike Hanks -- 6/2/2000, 11:32 am - Re: Dacron Coating
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 6/2/2000, 9:21 am - Re: Dacron Coating
David -- 6/1/2000, 8:53 pm
- Re: Dacron Coating