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Re: Wetsuit for short person
By:Mitch Isoe
Date: 6/11/2000, 11:07 pm
In Response To: Wetsuit for short person (Nancy)

: I know there was a series of posts a while back re: wetsuits for larger
: guys, but my husband's problem is just the opposite. At 5'4", 170
: pounds, we're having problems finding the right fit. Ideas? Nancy

Northwest River Supplies (NRS) has a great selection of wetsuits for a wide variety of sizes. Check out the grizzly line for something that might work for you.

Messages In This Thread

Wetsuit for short person
Nancy -- 6/10/2000, 7:06 am
Re: Wetsuit for short person
Mitch Isoe -- 6/11/2000, 11:07 pm