Boat Building Forum

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Kayak transportation
By:Julie Kanarr
Date: 6/15/2000, 9:40 pm
In Response To: All mixed up (Robb)

I transport mine right side up, since it would be very hard to slide the deck with the hatch covers & deck rigging over my yakima saddles...(when I have the boats on top of my car, I load them from the end of the car by lifting one end of the boat onto the saddle, then sliding the boat into place. With my pickup, which is taller (and has a 'topper' on the back)I use an outrigger bar & use a "lift & pivot" method).

On the car-- a 4 door Saab--I use bow & stern lines -- even so, the boats were sliding back & forth a bit as I battled 40 mph crosswind gusts last week--driving from Livingston MT to Portland OR. It was so windy that my cockpit covers, which normally stay put, popped off a few times -- it is really important to secure them so that if the cover pops off the boat, it doesn't blow away.

On the pickup, where my crossbars are spaced farther apart, I just use a bow tie down (in addition to saddles & straps)-- I've driven in wind that was equal to what I just encountered last week, and wasn't worried.

I agree with the sentiment that 'when in doubt, it's better to have one tie- down too many than one too few.' I'm also religious about checking the straps & rack at each stop.... it's part of my routine, like always tying straps in the same order (bow line last) when I load the boat, so I don't pull the brilliant maneuver of driving off without having tied the boat down.

My other tip: If you have a garage with an automatic garage door opener and if you're carrying stuff on the roof of the vehicle that won't fit through the open garage door, remove your remote control from your visor (or wherever) whenever your rack is loaded... otherwise, it will only be a matter of time before you crunch your boat (or bike) into the garage.....

Julie Kanarr

Messages In This Thread

Transporting kayaks: upright or inverted?
Chuck -- 6/15/2000, 10:52 am
Re: Transporting kayaks: upright or inverted?
Jim Reid -- 6/17/2000, 7:43 am
Re:downpour=down,as luggage carrier=up,
lee -- 6/15/2000, 10:18 pm
All mixed up
Robb -- 6/15/2000, 5:52 pm
Kayak transportation
Julie Kanarr -- 6/15/2000, 9:40 pm
Re: faith and kayak transportation
Dean Trexel -- 6/15/2000, 10:02 pm
Re: Transporting kayaks: upright or inverted?
Ken Finger -- 6/15/2000, 4:06 pm
Re: Transporting kayaks: upright or inverted?
Chuck -- 6/15/2000, 5:32 pm
Re: Transporting kayaks: upright or inverted?
Greg Stamer -- 6/16/2000, 11:26 am
Re: Transporting kayaks: upright or inverted?
Dale Frolander -- 6/15/2000, 3:14 pm
Re: Transporting kayaks:another ???
garland reese -- 6/16/2000, 9:44 am
Re: Transporting kayaks:another ???
Dean Trexel -- 6/16/2000, 12:51 pm
I carry it iverted all the time.
Brian Nystrom -- 6/16/2000, 9:26 am
Anyway plus another use:
mike allen ---> -- 6/15/2000, 3:50 pm
aren't we environmentalists?
Dean Trexel -- 6/15/2000, 8:54 pm
we environmentalists
mike allen ---> -- 6/16/2000, 4:20 pm
Re: Transporting kayaks: upright or inverted?
Dean Trexel -- 6/15/2000, 3:45 pm
Re: doggonit, you're right
Ross Leidy -- 6/15/2000, 3:34 pm
Re: Transporting kayaks: upright or inverted?
Rick -- 6/15/2000, 3:23 pm
Re: Transporting kayaks: upright or inverted? *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 6/15/2000, 11:21 am
Re: bow/stern lines?
Jim Eisenmenger -- 6/15/2000, 12:43 pm
Re: bow/stern lines? *Pic*
Shawn B -- 6/15/2000, 2:40 pm
Re: bow/stern lines?
Ross Leidy -- 6/15/2000, 2:19 pm
Re: bow/stern lines?
Dean Trexel -- 6/15/2000, 1:31 pm
Re: bow/stern lines?
Larry Pfisterer -- 6/15/2000, 3:15 pm
Re: bow/stern lines?
Dean Trexel -- 6/15/2000, 3:38 pm