Date: 6/26/2000, 4:34 am
decades ago I designed few electronics printed boards. I had to photocopy the design onto a transparent paper. the photocopy machines I used where not accurate enough, they had a 0.5 - 1mm difference in the full dimentions, which was way more than my tolerance. I finally found a business that had a certain machine that was accurate enough, & I sticked with it.
I just remembered it when you mentioned the photocopy machine.
I guess you want to get the kayak in your plans, & not some other kayak. If you wont check the accuracy of your photocopies, you'll never know you got the "some other kayak".
good luck,
: The engineering firm I was working for had a copier that would take full
: sized sheets (48 x 36) I took the plans for the Micmac, ran off a copy for
: each of the six differnt forms and the stem, fixed a copy to the osb
: doubled it up & cut to the line for each form. I dont know if any of
: the comercial copy centers have such machines, but I bet if you checked
: out some of your local Surveyors and engineers you would find one that has
: such a copier and would be willing to run off the required copys for you.
: Bob
Messages In This Thread
- Folded Plans and Evolution :) ( O.T. )
Rehd -- 6/24/2000, 3:18 pm- how to transfer an outline(?)
Vernon Lowery -- 6/24/2000, 10:00 pm- Re: how to transfer an outline(?)
bob -- 6/25/2000, 12:09 am- Re:better check accuracy before cutting anything
Erez -- 6/26/2000, 4:34 am- Re:better check accuracy before cutting anything
Vernon Lowery -- 6/26/2000, 8:49 am
- Re:better check accuracy before cutting anything
- Re:better check accuracy before cutting anything
- Re: how to transfer an outline(?)
- how to transfer an outline(?)