Hot glue Removal
Date: 6/26/2000, 10:29 pm
Date: 6/26/2000, 10:29 pm
Faithfully following the directions for my Coho, I used hot glue to temporarily mount the forms on the inside of the hull. Now its time for them to come out. I have removed the forms using a soldering iron to soften the glue, but I am at a loss for how to get the remaining glue residue off of the hull interior. The stuff won't sand, won't peel off, and doesn't seem to want to scrape off. Any ideas? Please? I am also wondering why I didn't just wire the forms in instead of gluing them. Maybe next time. . .
Messages In This Thread
- Hot glue Removal
BruceK -- 6/26/2000, 10:29 pm- And the answer is: Acetone,
BruceK -- 7/1/2000, 4:20 pm - get it cold
Jason -- 6/28/2000, 3:27 pm- Re: hot glue removal
Arty -- 6/28/2000, 10:53 pm
- Re: hot glue removal
- Re: Hot glue Removal
Ted -- 6/27/2000, 12:36 am - Re: Hot glue Removal
Julie Kanarr -- 6/26/2000, 11:22 pm
- And the answer is: Acetone,