Date: 7/8/2000, 12:37 am
Spidey, just wanted to amplify on Lee's response. In my experience, I found the saw-rasp has the control like a coarse file in a linear fashion without the grabs, shimmying and vibration. The only downside is the typical cost from woodworking stores. Still, I've invested in pull saws, saving $$$ by buying Sharksaw coarse and fine tooth, in order to blow it on the saw-rasp. Still, it's been a good investment. I can't help you on how it perfroms on minicell though. best o' luck
: Hi Lee;
: I can't help you on that one, but I was hoping you could perhaps help me.
: I'll be carving my minicell soon, and I'm looking for the best carving
: tool(s) to use as well. I'm not familiar with the zig-zag japanese rasps,
: could you elaborate on exactly what they are? Actually, I'd like to hear
: how you carve in general. I'm a bit afraid of going right at the foam with
: a fast removal sander as some use - I'd rather do it slowly and waste some
: time as opposed to esthetics . . . My plan is to build a seat assembly ala
: Joe Greenley, and only time, and tool selection/control will tell how that
: turns out . . .
: Thanks in advance, Spidey
Messages In This Thread
- looking for a tool
lee -- 7/7/2000, 11:57 pm- Re: also looking for a tool
Spidey -- 7/8/2000, 12:11 am- Re: also looking for a tool
Gary Rice -- 7/8/2000, 9:38 pm- Re: Thanks All!
Spidey -- 7/8/2000, 2:21 pm- Let me know where you find a rasp
Andreas Albat -- 7/10/2000, 11:57 am
- Re: also looking for a tool
Don Beale -- 7/8/2000, 12:59 am- Re: also looking for a tool
Larry C. -- 7/8/2000, 1:49 pm
- Re: also looking for a tool
Tig and Tink -- 7/8/2000, 12:37 am- Re: also looking for a tool
lee -- 7/8/2000, 12:27 am- Re: Power tools and Minicell
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/10/2000, 10:21 am- Re: Power tools and Minicell
Ross Leidy -- 7/10/2000, 10:36 am
- Re: also looking for a tool *Pic*
Joe Greenley -- 7/9/2000, 12:04 pm - Re: Power tools and Minicell
- Re: Thanks All!
- Re: also looking for a tool
- Re: also looking for a tool