Date: 7/18/2000, 9:28 am
Yea, go for it! My only suggestion is you might have to build the forms AFTER you get the hull stitched. My S.G. 17 Guillemot didn't fit the forms as published. I started with grand plans of mounting the forms on 20"+- spacing and forcing things to fit. I constructed a large jig to hold the hull beside the deck and assure the widths and sweep were exact. I had to abandon the idea and ended up randomly spacing them where ever they seemed to fit the boat. A 3' section in the middle had no forms whatsoever! Even Nick comments that the forms aren't exact and may have to be adjusted in position. But by cutting them to fit, you could create a custom deck to any shape you want. BTW, I spent most of the weekend in the boat and it is super!

Messages In This Thread
- plywood hull/strip deck
Ryan Olson -- 7/17/2000, 11:27 pm- Re: plywood hull/strip deck
Earl Bailey -- 7/18/2000, 12:10 pm- Re: plywood hull/strip deck *Pic*
Vernon Lowery -- 7/18/2000, 9:28 am- Re: plywood hull/strip deck
michael -- 7/18/2000, 7:15 am- Re: plywood hull/strip deck
Don Beale -- 7/18/2000, 12:36 am - Re: plywood hull/strip deck *Pic*
- Re: plywood hull/strip deck