Date: 7/20/2000, 2:55 am
Date: 7/20/2000, 2:55 am
I am building a guillemot, and am not quite sure how to go about attaching a rudder to the upward pointed stern. I was wondering if anyone who has built a Guillemot with a rudder could give me any advice
Messages In This Thread
- Guillemot
Max -- 7/20/2000, 2:55 am- Re: Rudder on Guillemot
Shawn B -- 7/20/2000, 2:40 pm- Re: Rudder on Guillemot
RM Dalton -- 7/20/2000, 2:53 pm
- Re: Rudder on Guillemot
- Re: Rudder on Guillemot